Making Room with Marlie Martin
Making Room with Marlie Martin
Spiritual Comparison
Have you ever talked to someone who seemed more educated on their faith than you and immediately felt insecure. Have you seen someone who is very involved or reverent in their faith and thought "I'll never be like that..." or "who do they think they are?". I want to open the conversation to what that has been like in my own life, and hopefully inspire you to consider a new perspective. Don't judge your journey to anyone else and don't base your salvation on the life of others. Consult Christ in all you do and lean not on your own understanding. It doesn't matter how you start the race, it only matters how you finish! Don't give up on yourself and don't compare your journey to someone else's! You are always sought after by the heart of Jesus, and worth Him dying for! Enjoy this Good Friday episode just for you!