Making Room with Marlie Martin
Join me, your host Marlie Martin in making room for our authentic selves. Whether decluttering the heart or the home, there is beauty in everyone! Lets make room to discover all that we are and all that we can be in Christ together
Making Room with Marlie Martin
Labor and Lent
Marlie Martin
Lent has always been a time in the church where I put a lot of pressure on myself (am I doing enough? sacrificing enough? fasting enough? etc.). This year lent for me started with a BIG event, and has been taking me deeper and deeper. I believe it is good to have a plan for how we hope or envision our lent going, but at the root of it all, FAITH in God and His plans for us is the ultimate plan and will produce the most fruit in our souls for our lives. Here is how my lent started.... enjoy!